الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

؟؟What is the purpose of technology education in early childhood years

The overall objective

Raise efficiency and improve the quality of the educational process in kindergartens according to quality standards

Increase the gross enrollment rate to cover 60% of all children in the age group 4-5 years.

Development management system pre-primary education to achieve the independence of the management of primary education.

Issues and challenges

Total current enrollment rate of 18.1% where the rate varies greatly between different provinces and between rural and urban
Poor coordination and collaboration with stakeholders, NGOs and the private sector
Inadequate infrastructure and material resources and human resources

Program strategies

Cooperation with civil society and donors to increase support for early childhood
Increasing enrollment by working to complete the implementation of the Programme Support Early Childhood (Early Childhood Enhancement Project)
More efficient use of existing school classes
Raise the financial burden on the poor by reducing expenses nurseries, with the development of an integrated strategy to educate the parents of the importance of stage

Program strategies

Increase the quality of attention through activities that support the mental and emotional growth of children while ensuring their right to play and enjoy
Continuing Professional Development for teachers and their kindergarten
Completion of the national standards for early childhood and the development of systems for monitoring and evaluation
Cooperation with relevant ministries to develop the institutional and legal
systems of the stage



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